Ugh! I had “Size” column moved beyond window frame and did not see that photo format and size adjustment did not take for smaller file. Not sure if Preview bug or me.
Ugh! I had “Size” column moved beyond window frame and did not see that photo format and size adjustment did not take for smaller file. Not sure if Preview bug or me.
The more I migrate my email, the more benefits present themselves while chaos subsides.
Special note: I like that I can select one of my categories here and it stays selected after posting, ready for the next post.
Using Due app to keep track of repeating items on a long term basis – a reliable means. Manually entering each item which shows up in Due for the day in a day list of todo items, helps press them into my mind better than a mere glance in the App.
Finding liberation in pay-for email. The free kind has too many known strings and as time goes on multitudes of unknown strings attached with messy glue.
So it begins …