@josephaleo Peep eggs, golden.
@manton Perfect. You have an expectation on the vehicle to even decide to use it for the trip. With battery replacement, that expectation gains fresh eyes.
@jean Birdwood Games have announced launch date of June 20th for Dog Park: New Tricks [KS Upcoming Project link] wherein they will offer the original game Dog Park as an add-on (or higher pledge tier, idk).
@adamprocter Good to see Daybreak in the wild.
@manton Choice photo! Lucky for you.
@ludovicchabant Amazing contrast and glow!
@odd Catching on!
@manton First Magic Preview, now Spell Checking. You trying to turn us into blogging wizards?
@sod I didn't guess, I inserted the /magic page on the address bar because of your documentation when I didn't see it appearing in Pages link.
So, it won't conflict if we add a /magic page in micro.blog Pages link? And, you don't need to add a page in the Pages link, just keep using the /magic URL as per documentation?
@manton I didn't mean to ask to change anything, just trying to get a clear understanding of what to expect and what to avoid (re: above about whether to avoid adding /magic in Pages) as it stands now.
Thank you both for that further explanation. Definitely a fun way to see live editing.