Pretty wild how I often go on long stretches of time where I just do not want to put myself out there. My recent use of Pinboard and a certain reunion type site made me realize I have shut myself in for a long time with only brief periods of checking-in with people I know. Holding my cards close.

I (micro)blog here every day as part of a task fulfillment and promise to myself, but it has little to do with essential socializing. Just an idea here and there.

I do not mean this as a cry for help or anything. I have simply found that I have a lot of internal thoughts and this time alone during pandemic made it a lot easier to run away with them or, more like, let them run away with me.

Frustration of interruption never goes away, unfortunately. So, I did not turn into some powerhouse of productivity during this time. I don’t have a book completed with all that thinking, not that much of it would do anyone, including myself, any good. I merely had a lot of internal strife.

I feel like I have entered an open field and for the first time in too long feel comfortable walking in one without the burden of stress which normally accompanies it.