Posts in: everyday

This YouTube video by Rachael Stephen has pushed my motivation to tighten my inbox collection skills, which I have left fallow too long, to new heights.

Thumbnail of Rachael Stephen video with her in front of a corkboard with several "plot embryo" papers pinned to it. Rachael with arms lifted after making a "pshew" sound for "mind blown" from video.

Definitely living in the future. Moon oribt stream live.

Earth view in three minutes.

Disturbing that health care insurance requires a year commitment from you, while they have a noncommittal review process for your health concerns during that term.

Two days filled with ritual. One filled with gestures of gratefulness. Another to measure great filled lists.

The BIPM expanded Metric Prefixes with two new names at each end of the scale.

At small end, ronto (r) and quecto (q) at 10-27 and 10-30 and at large end, ronna (R) and quetta (Q) at 1027 and 1030 respectively. Wonder how long we will retain current Long and Short scales.

I wish I could accept each operating system update with open arms, apply it, and move on with whatever problems it will inevitably present. You cannot have both improvements through new features and stability with familiarity. Too persnickety about taking that final step.

Newsreaders enable me to graze on feeds.

A consequence of pandemic concerns, my gaming group ceased gathering, then ended some time after that. The freezer would keep stock of enough cubes for a weekly game night for bin to drop to half full. I only need to run its ice maker five minutes a week these days.

“Pete and Repete sat on a fence.”

“Pete fell off.”

“Who remains on the fence?”

[other third grader responds] “repeat”

“Pete and …”

While a novel approach, I doubt many business leaders will adopt the one the avian vocalization site executed in recent weeks.